Unlock the Power of Heroku Webhooks: Pass Extra Information with Ease
Image by Gerno - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Heroku Webhooks: Pass Extra Information with Ease

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Are you tired of feeling limited by the default data sent with Heroku webhooks? Do you want to supercharge your webhooks with extra information that makes a real difference in your application? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Heroku webhooks and show you how to pass extra information with ease.

What are Heroku Webhooks?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand what Heroku webhooks are. Heroku webhooks are a way to receive notifications from Heroku when specific events occur within your application. These events can range from deployment updates to error notifications, and everything in between.

By default, Heroku webhooks send a limited amount of data with each request. This data includes information about the event that triggered the webhook, such as the event name, the app name, and the timestamp. While this is useful, it’s often not enough to make informed decisions or take meaningful actions in your application.

Why Pass Extra Information with Heroku Webhooks?

So, why is it important to pass extra information with Heroku webhooks? The answer is simple: context. Without additional context, it’s difficult to make sense of the data sent with the webhook. By passing extra information, you can provide your application with the context it needs to make informed decisions and take meaningful actions.

For example, imagine you have a webhook that notifies your application when a new deployment is created. By default, Heroku will send the event name, app name, and timestamp with the webhook request. But what if you want to know more about the deployment, such as the Git commit hash or the deployment environment? That’s where passing extra information comes in.

How to Pass Extra Information with Heroku Webhooks

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s dive into the how. Passing extra information with Heroku webhooks is easier than you think. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Step 1: Create a Custom Webhook

    To pass extra information with Heroku webhooks, you need to create a custom webhook. This can be done using the Heroku API or the Heroku CLI.

      heroku webhooks:create --app your-app-name --url https://your-webhook-url.com --include payload

    This command creates a new webhook with the specified URL and includes the payload in the request. The payload is where we’ll store our extra information.

  2. Step 2: Define Your Extra Information

    Next, you need to define the extra information you want to pass with your webhook. This can be anything from a simple string to a complex JSON object.

    For example, let’s say you want to pass the Git commit hash and deployment environment with your webhook. You can define this information as a JSON object:

        "commit_hash": "abcdef1234567890",
        "deployment_environment": "staging"

    This JSON object will be sent with the webhook request as part of the payload.

  3. Step 3: Update Your Webhook Configuration

    Now that you’ve defined your extra information, you need to update your webhook configuration to include this data in the payload. This can be done using the Heroku API or the Heroku CLI.

      heroku webhooks:update --app your-app-name --webhook-id your-webhook-id --payload "{\"commit_hash\": \"abcdef1234567890\", \"deployment_environment\": \"staging\"}"

    This command updates the webhook configuration to include the extra information in the payload.

  4. Step 4: Handle the Webhook Request in Your Application

    Finally, you need to handle the webhook request in your application. This involves parsing the payload and extracting the extra information you passed with the webhook.

    In your application, you can access the payload using the request body. For example, in Node.js, you can use the Express.js framework to handle the webhook request:

      const express = require('express');
      const app = express();
      app.post('/webhook', (req, res) => {
        const payload = req.body;
        const commitHash = payload.commit_hash;
        const deploymentEnvironment = payload.deployment_environment;
        // Handle the webhook request in your application

    In this example, we’re using Express.js to handle the webhook request. We access the payload using the request body and extract the extra information we passed with the webhook.

Tips and Tricks for Passing Extra Information with Heroku Webhooks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when passing extra information with Heroku webhooks:

  • Use JSON objects to pass complex data

    JSON objects are a great way to pass complex data with your webhook. They can be easily parsed and extracted in your application.

  • Keep your payload small and lightweight

    Remember to keep your payload small and lightweight to avoid performance issues with your webhook.

  • Use HTTPS to secure your webhook requests

    Always use HTTPS to secure your webhook requests. This ensures that your data is encrypted and protected from prying eyes.

  • Test your webhook configuration thoroughly

    Make sure to test your webhook configuration thoroughly to ensure that your extra information is being passed correctly.


In conclusion, passing extra information with Heroku webhooks is a powerful way to provide context to your application. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can unlock the full potential of Heroku webhooks and take your application to the next level.

Remember to define your extra information carefully, update your webhook configuration correctly, and handle the webhook request in your application. With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be well on your way to passing extra information with Heroku webhooks like a pro!

Event Default Data Sent Extra Information
Deployment Created Event name, app name, timestamp Git commit hash, deployment environment
Error Occurred Event name, app name, timestamp, error message Error code, error details
Build Failed Event name, app name, timestamp, build output Build error message, build output details

This table shows examples of events that can trigger a Heroku webhook, the default data sent with each event, and the extra information you can pass to provide context to your application.

By passing extra information with Heroku webhooks, you can unlock the full potential of your application and take it to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Start passing extra information with Heroku webhooks today!

Frequently Asked Question

Passing extra information with Heroku webhooks can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you out:

Can I pass custom headers with my Heroku webhook?

Yes, you can pass custom headers with your Heroku webhook by using the “headers” attribute in your webhook configuration. This allows you to pass extra information that’s not included in the standard webhook payload.

How do I access the custom headers in my webhook handler?

You can access the custom headers in your webhook handler by checking the request headers. The exact method will depend on your programming language and framework, but in general, you’ll want to look for a “headers” or “request.headers” object that contains the custom headers you passed in the webhook configuration.

What’s the maximum size of the custom headers I can pass?

The maximum size of the custom headers you can pass with a Heroku webhook is 4KB. If you need to pass more data than that, you may want to consider using a different approach, such as storing the data in a database or file and passing a reference to it in the webhook.

Can I pass query parameters with my Heroku webhook?

Yes, you can pass query parameters with your Heroku webhook by including them in the webhook URL. For example, you could include a “user_id” parameter in the webhook URL like this: https://example.com/webhook?user_id=123. Then, in your webhook handler, you can access the query parameters using the request object.

What happens if I pass invalid or malformed custom headers?

If you pass invalid or malformed custom headers with your Heroku webhook, they will be ignored and the webhook will still be delivered. However, it’s a good idea to test your webhooks thoroughly to ensure that they’re being handled correctly, even with invalid or malformed headers.

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